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Want a Strong Start to Summer?
Sign Up for Mathitude's June Virtual Math Engagement Clubs
For rising 1st through 8th-grade students
June 8th through July 2nd

Students will keep those math gears working with Mathitude's FUN virtual engagement clubs. Some clubs focus on school curriculum material while others explore deep mathematical concepts. ALL clubs use Mathitude's proprietary materials, all designed to build exceptional mathematical minds while creating excitement and joy. Along with our collaborative sessions, you will also have access to challenging material for your student to work on throughout the week.


HOW IT WORKS:  You pay a flat rate fee for the 4-week clubs. We will send you invitations to our Zoom sessions where we use interactive material and breakout sessions to provide high-touch collaborative math experiences. Plus, we're flexible: if your child can't make it to a club session, we'll provide you with the materials your student missed. Clubs start the week of June 8th, so...


All clubs run from June 8th through July 2nd

Delta (Rising 1st - 3rd): Monday 3:15-4:15 PM
                                   Thursday 10-11 AM
Delta (Rising 4th & 5th): Tuesday 3:15-4:15 PM
Power (Rising 6th - 8th): Monday 4:30-5:30 PM
Prime Pros (Rising 5th - 8th): Tuesday 4:30-5:30 PM
Delta Club
Rising 1st - 3rd Graders
Mondays 3:15 - 4:15 pm, Thursdays 10 - 11 am

Rising 4th and 5th Graders

Tuesdays 3:15 - 4:15 pm


Mathitude's Delta Club is a fast-paced and FUN class that is all about change. Mathitude's highly interactive curriculum is designed to reinforce school math concepts and advance math reasoning and logic utilizing games and puzzles. We incorporate the fun of games and Mathitude's high-level concepts to introduce your child to math usually seen at much older ages.  In any given week, students will engage with Secret Codes, City Building Challenges and Swamp Puzzles — what fun!

Power Club
Middle School Math: Rising 6th - 8th Graders
Mondays 4:30 - 5:30 pm

Looking for an exciting and interactive class to keep your child's middle-school math skills honed? Power Club incorporates the fun of games and the challenge of puzzles to deepen understanding of middle school math topics. We'll delve deeper into school curricula and help your child boost their logic, math reasoning, and preparedness for high school using Mathitude's high-level concepts. 

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(NEW) Prime Pros
Rising 5th - 8th Graders
Tuesdays 4:30 - 5:30 pm

Does your child dream of multiplying 111 and 478 in their head? Of being able to quickly find the cube root of 49,430,863? Of knowing whether or not any number is divisible by 29? Prime numbers and the study of all positive integers fuels today's cybersecurity and who knows what future AI applications. This is a quick-paced, deep-curriculum experience and we welcome all students who are excited about in-depth number theory and learning concepts not usually covered in classrooms until college. We'll provide powerful number challenges along with unique visual representations that are awe-inspiring for all ages of mathematicians.

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